For many of you just discovering the wolverine and this web site, you have found that the wolverine is more than just a cartoon superhero or sports mascot. It is a fascinating creature; a true representative of all remaining wild lands on this earth. We hope you find this site both enlightening and informative. Our intent is single minded; to do what we can to benefit the wolverine. Your tax deductible donation will help us develop our programs and provide funding for much needed research.
If you feel drawn to this effort, we would be grateful for your help. Your generous contribution will directly support our programs and research projects.
Use a credit or debit card now through the secure link below (no PayPal account required):
1.) After entering your donation amount, please click the “Update Total” link directly below your amount before proceeding.
2.) On the review page, prior to completing your donation, expand the “Donation Purpose” link. This will open a box for listing item name, color choices & quantities if your donation includes donation purchases.
If you prefer, please mail your contribution to:
The Wolverine Foundation, Inc.
10261 Packsaddle Lake Road, Tetonia, Idaho, USA 83452
If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please email us at:
We do not sell, rent or trade our mailing list to any other entity.