The Wolverine Foundation Research Grant Application Guidelines
(The Wolverine Foundation is not offering any grants at this time. Please check back periodically as we will be offering grants in the future.)
Our Mission
The Wolverine Foundation (TWF) recognizes the importance of science in identifying issues, directing dialog, and stimulating public interest, thereby elevating the wolverine’s conservation and management status. TWF provides research grants to qualified applicants subject to available funding. The purpose of this funding program is to strategically support important science that provides direct benefit to wolverines and/or their habitat. TWF supports research to that end through a granting process.
Types of Grants we provide
TWF administers pass-through grants and provides grant dollars direct to qualifying research projects. Our pass-through process is most commonly used to move research dollars from an originating organization, through TWF, to a recipient organization. TWF will occasionally require a nominal administrative fee for pass-through grants.
TWF may at any time indicate a preference for proposals that address specific identified topic areas. Proposals designed to produce peer-reviewed publications in recognized scientific journals will receive priority consideration.
We most commonly provide, and encourage grant applications in the range of $5,000-$10,000 but have provided larger amounts in special circumstances. Grants that will be used to secure matching funding (not generally in-kind) are often more highly considered.
Open application and review
Grant applications will be accepted throughout the calendar year with an October 31 application deadline. Applications will be reviewed and decided upon by the end of November.
Activities we support relating directly to wolverine
- Field studies
- Population monitoring
- Census and survey development and application
- Laboratory studies
- Indigenous or cultural
- Research publishing support
Activities we do not support
- Non-research related conservation programs
- Administrative activities
- Advocacy
- Activities that directly relate to or promote business
- Travel to scientific/professional meetings or conferences
- Land acquisition
- Building construction
- Purchase of capital outlay items not to exceed $500)
Application Process
Pass-through Grant
Pass-through grants are generally conducted informally. Requests for TWF to act as a pass-through agent will be board-reviewed and acted upon on an individual basis.
Direct Grant
Applying for a direct grant through TWF is a simple process.
The application proposal should reflect professional formatting and include Introduction, Study Area, Methods, and Budget headings. Short biographical sketches and/or CV of Principal Investigator(s) are helpful. The application does not need to be lengthy but it should include important detail, particularly relating to methodology. Research that has a high probability of producing published results in peer-reviewed journals will have a higher likelihood of approval.
The proposal’s merits will be considered based on, but not necessarily exclusive to, the following criteria:
- Does the proposal include clearly defined measurable objectives, and can they be met within the specified time frame?
- Does the proposal clearly address a priority research need for wolverine conservation?
- Is the proposal based on sound biological principles?
- Does the proposal provide a sound and defensible research design that has a high likelihood of producing publishable results?
- Does the proposal represent a new area of research?
- Can the proposed work be completed with the requested funding, or will additional funding be needed in subsequent years? Please state if funding will be one-time or will you come back for additional funding from TWF. What are we (TWF) committing to?
A decision will be provided with 8 weeks of application deadline (October 31).